This next quartet of match-ups is heavy with English modernists: Virginia Woolf, E.M. Forster, Evelyn Waugh. It also has most of our Young Adult authors. Maybe it's a bit unfair, but we've got J.K. Rowling up against Philip Pullman in the first round. Who will be the champion of contemporary English fantasy lit? (If it's based on box-office receipts, then I guess there's no competition...) Of course, the winner of that match will get to face either Charles Dickens or Stella Gibbons, the author of
Cold Comfort Farm in Round Two. So put on your best cockney accents and get voting!
In other news, we've got a few more Round One winners to announce: #2 Nathaniel Hawthorne and #3 Charlotte Bronte advance. Mansfield and Burgess ended in a tie. In an executive decision, Robyn and I decided that the win goes to Mansfield. A bit of the ultra-violence is all well and good and all, but it doesn't quite compare to subtle commentaries on early 20th Century class structure!
Woolf v. Forster
Waugh v. Baum
Dickens v. Gibbons
Rowling v. Pullman
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